Dr Gordon McGregor: Clinical Exercise Physiologist and Chief Investigator for PULSE. Also leads other clinical trials testing exercise rehabilitation in heart disease (HIIT or MISS UK), heart surgery (SCAR), pulmonary hypertension (SPHERe), and kidney disease (PRECISE).
Dr Lesley Kavi: Academic GP with special interest in POTS and syncope. Managing trustee and Chair of POTS UK, the national organisation supporting people affected by POTS.
Dr Saj Hayat: Consultant Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist specialising in POTS.
Dr Boon Lim: Consultant Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist at Imperial College NHS Trust, London, specialising in heart rhythm disturbances and syncope.
Dr Sandeep Panikker: Consultant Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist at UHCW NHS Trust with expertise in orthostatic intolerance and POTS.
Mrs Helen Eftekhari: Clinical Nurse Specialist with expertise in orthostatic intolerance and POTS. Lead nurse for the UHCW NHS Trust Syncope service.
Dr Jane Simmonds: Clinical specialist physiotherapist in hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and PoTS. Physiotherapy advisor to PoTS UK, HMSA, EDS Support UK.
Miss Nikki Holliday: Design Manager at Coventry University specialising in stakeholder and user involvement in research design and implementation.
Dr Gemma Pearce: Psychologist and Associate Professor at Coventry University specialising in self-management support for long-term conditions, and co-production.
Prof Julie Bruce: Professorial Fellow at University of Warwick with expertise in clinical trials. Involved in numerous complex intervention clinical trials, and cohort studies.
Associate Prof Harbinder Sandhu: Health Psychologist at University of Warwick with experience of psychological interventions to improve exercise motivation and adherence.
Dr Siew-Wan Hee: Medical statistician at University of Warwick Medical School with expertise in research methodology and statistical analysis of clinical trials.